
Friday, February 4, 2011



my muslim brother and sister..

have you ever notice that the people surround us likes to complaint when it comes to FOOD, no...they LOVE to complaint..A LOT...haha not to forget about YOU silly...


the point is, that many of us, complaints as if the matter is so big, so huge, that it sound like criminal..
and this type of person always complaint, whether it is a good deed or not...

let me show you the example

PENA:"eish, mana makanan aku? selalunya taklah lambat camnih..depa curi tulang paa"
PADI: (0_o)?

PENA"aik? dah sampai dah, cepat giler...nih mesti dia dah siap2 masak dah nih"
PADI: (0_o)????

PENA: "alamak, nih jaa nasinya? sikit giler"
PADI: bersyukur lah..

PENA: "eeee....kenapa banya sangat pulak nasi ko letak oi"
PADI: aik? hari tu complaint sikit sangat nasi..nih lain pulak dah

PENA: "mahal giler nasi ni...nih mesti tak pandai kira nih"
PADI: barang kan naik harga..

PENA: "murah giler nasi nih...nih mesti nasi semalam nih"
PADI: harga barang dah turun daaa...

you see?...hope you can understand malay...dont worry..google translater will be 25 hours to help you..

do you see the point?
many people do complaint about things that i think we should not talk about...
follow what Rasulullah s.a.w does...if he dont like the food, he will avoid it and NEVER says bad things about it...

dont criticizes the food...it is our food...better have rather than not...
if you want to criticizes, put it, on a peace of paper or complaint directly to the person...in a manner way

not by saying behind..and talking bad about them...it is HARAM
it is equal, as if you are eating your muslim brother flesh...

here me my muslim brother and sister

be intelligent...open your quran and read it...and understand it...and implement it...


Hai, thank you for visiting my blog. Hope my sharing gives some good info and benefit for you. Do drop some comments bellow to share your thought and share this article with your circle ke.


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