5 Tips for Staying Positive Every Day

Even if you consider yourself a negative person, staying positive is within your reach. It might be a little difficult at first, but the more that you implement these positive thinking techniques into your life, the easier you will find it to stay positive even in the toughest of situations!
Learning to turn negative thoughts into positive ones is always going to take time, even if the process itself is simple and effective. Just make sure that you try to practice every day by following these top tips:
1) Stay Healthy
Keeping a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to stay positive without any psychological work. Try to exercise at least three times a week for around half an hour. Exercise is medically proven to affect your mood and to help reduce stress. The more you do it, the longer lasting the effect will be. A healthy diet is also completely essential – a healthy mind is definitely linked to a healthy body.
2) Check That You Are Staying Positive
Most of our thoughts just happen, we don’t constantly check every single one. However, on your journey to becoming more positive it will be helpful to check yourself a few times throughout the day. Are you slipping back into your old habits of negative thinking? Try to put a positive spin on what’s going on around you.

3) Smile!
Allowing yourself to be open to humour and letting yourself smile or laugh is one of the best ways of staying positive! Smiling is even physically proven to make you more happy. Try it right now!
4) Use Positive Self-Talk
Many of us use negative self-talk without even realising it. That means the little voice in your head that tells you things are bound to go wrong, or to avoid situations. You can actively control your thoughts, however – just try to make sure you say only nice things to yourself. Try to encourage yourself, and remember that negative thoughts are rarely true.
5) Talk to Positive People
This is a great tip, as positivity really is contagious. If you surround yourself with people who love and support you then it will rub off on you. Not to mention the fact that they will assure you your negative self-talk simply isn’t true.
Practice these steps each and every day and you will soon learn to break away from negativity.

source: http://www.howtothinkpositive.com/staying-positive.html


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